GEO5 software from the 2025 edition uses the Fine Cloud License system. This system allows management of purchased licenses according to the needs of each customer.

  • The licenses are stored in the cloud and the program accesses them at startup (requires an internet connection).
  • Licenses can be permanently or temporarily moved to a PC (allows offline use).
  • Licenses can be permanently or temporarily moved to a HW key (allows offline use).
Cloud license managment varies by customer tier:
Customer tier icoPersonal icoBusiness icoEnterprise
Number of licenses 1 max 5 unlimited
Number of users 1 max 10 unlimited
International licenses no no yes

The number of licenses for a given program determines the number of sessions that can run simultaneously within a company. Example: A company has purchased 5 licenses of Stratigraphy, and has 10 registered users. All users can have the software installed, but it can only run on five devices at the same time.


The customer is an independent entrepreneur.

  • Only 1 license of each program.
  • Only 1 login email.
  • The program can only be run on one device at a time.


The customer is a small or medium-sized company.

  • Maximum of 5 licenses of each program.
  • Maximum of 10 users (1 administrator + max. 9 additional login emails).
  • Programs can be run at any given time on the number of devices corresponding to the number of licenses purchased.


The customer is a large or international company.

  • Unlimited licenses of each program.
  • Unlimited users (1 administrator + unlimited additional login emails).
  • Programs can be run at any given time on the number of devices corresponding to the number of licenses purchased.
  • Multinational companies can use the license in its branches across multiple countries.

Watch a short video about Fine Cloud License system:


How does the installation of the 2025 edition work?

The new installer requires you to log in with your Fine account using your email and password. These are the same credentials you use for our Online Shop (where you can also reset your password, if needed).

Can I still use a hardlock or software protection?

Yes, this option is useful if you don't have internet access. You can transfer your license to your PC or to a hardlock.

Why are there no more network licenses?

Any cloud license now functions like a network license. You can access it from any computer connected to the internet using your email and password.

Some companies work with network licenses in their network and they do not want to use internet access. Is it possible?

Yes, all licenses can be transferred from the cloud to a hardlock, so there will be no change to their current workflow. Hardlocks can still work within a network in the new system. The administrator must make the transfer after the first login (internet connection is required for the transfer).

Is there a different hardlock for Subscription and Perpetual licenses?

The hardlock is the same for both types. Now, the hardlock only serves as a temporary bearer of the license.

If I want a second license for the program, do I have to switch to Business customer?

Yes, to obtain additional licenses, you need to upgrade to the Business tier.

Can I have some programs in Personal tier and others in Business tier?

No, that's not possible. The Personal/Business/Enterprise designation applies to the customer as a whole.

Can I use the Cloud license with an older edition of GEO5?

No, cloud licensing is available only for the 2025 edition and newer.

Can different people work with different programs at the same time in Personal tier?

Yes, they can log in to different programs using the same email and password.

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